THE ELECTRIC CAR: GM, Ford Pay the Price for Hype

GM is trying to lower expectations that their much-anticipated plug-in electric car, the Volt, will reach consumers soon.

A prototype was unveiled at an automotive show in January, but the real deal depends on a breakthrough in battery technology that may take years to achieve, despite the infusion of millions of dollars in federal research funding.

Critics say that GM overhyped the Volt, creating more skepticism about electric cars. Ford also took a PR drubbing when it recently backed out of a promise to build 250,000 plug-in hybrids by 2010, according to the Detroit News.

Environmentalists hope a commercially viable battery-powered car, capable of traveling 40 miles before recharging, will take the edge off rising corn prices as demand for ethanol spikes across the country.

But other eco-minded experts say a plug-in car could, ironically, fuel demand for coal-burning power plants.


“GM tries to unplug Volt hype”
Detroit News, March 23, 2007

“Spartan cars could ease ethanol’s corn price boost”
Reuters, March 21, 2007

4 thoughts on “THE ELECTRIC CAR: GM, Ford Pay the Price for Hype

  1. So we trade off oil for cars for oil and/or coal for the power plants. What’s gained since more carbon dioxide comes from the power plants and less from cars?

  2. Not all power plants generate carbon dioxide.

    If the car was charged with energy generated from wind, or water, or nuclear fission no carbon dioxide would be emitted nor would the other harmful by-products of combustion like NOx and SO4 radicals


  3. I think all of you need to see the film “Who Killed The Electric Car”…. this seems like a repeat preformance.