A Sunni House Divided
Thousands of Iraqi Sunnis fleeing Shia militias are finding no peace in Sunni districts, where they are threatened by insurgents who seek to create “pure pro-insurgency neighborhoods” and suspect the newcomers of being spies or criminals, according to the Institute for War & Peace Reporting.
Insurgents also target fellow Sunnis who question the violence, as well as people in mixed Sunni/Shia marriages, of which there are 6.5 million in Iraq today.
Abortion’s Rhetorical Question
A federal appellate court is hearing arguments over a 2005 South Dakota abortion law that requires doctors to tell patients they will be terminating “the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being” and that they are “ending the mother-child relationship.”
A judge called it “ideology,” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports, but proponents say the language defends the “right” to motherhood.
BIA Stalls on Cherokee “Freedman” Vote
The Cherokee Nation faces a court battle, with almost $300 million in federal funding at stake, over its vote to remove 2,700 “freedmen” — descendents of African American slaves of Cherokee Indians — from tribal membership. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has so far refused to approve the vote to exclude the freedmen, who would lose their medical benefits.
“Insurgents distrust displaced Sunni”
Institute for War & Peace Reporting (U.K.), April 13, 2007
“Appeals judges pepper lawyers with questions in South Dakota abortion case”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 11, 2007
“Vote to remove freedmen not yet approved”
Associated Press, April 13, 2007