A heavy crackdown in immigration along the U.S.-Mexico border has resulted in more arrests, but has not deterred Mexicans from trying to cross, or from dying along the way.
Immigrants attempting to cross the desert in the hot summer months have only a 50 percent chance of survival.
Border agents near Yuma, Arizona, are working with their Mexican counterparts to add rescue beacons to the desert and paramedics to save lives on enforcement missions.
Meanwhile, more Mexican immigrants are drowning in the Rio Grande than in the winter months.
Border agents found another body there last week.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon called border migration a “natural” and “inevitable” phenomenon that would continue regardless of political “decree” from the United States, El Universal reports.
“Migration overhaul urged”
El Universal (Mexico), April 27, 2007
“Migrant death toll high despite U.S. border crackdown”
Reuters, April 26, 2007
“Border Patrol announces safety initiative”
Yuma Sun (AZ), April 27, 2007
“Immigrant who died in canal was a few inches from safety”
El Paso Times (TX), April 27, 2007