Cancer in the Air, and in Your Hair

Two new reports identify byproducts of everyday life as culprits behind an increase in avoidable cancers and other health issues.

Diesel emissions from the Port of Oakland and the freeway system around West Oakland puts millions of people at risk of cancer, asthma and other diseases, according to a new report from the California Air Resources Board.

The study found that 1,200 cancer cases per million people were attributable to diesel exhaust, most from trucks, but also from port activities, which collectively cause hundreds of premature deaths.

In France, a new study has found a “small but consistent risk” of bladder cancer among male barbers and hairdressers.

The study also found personal use of hair dyes had a possible correlation to bladder cancer, lymphoma and leukemia.


“Study says diesel emissions raise cancer risk”
San Francisco Chronicle, March 20, 2008

“Hair dyes found to increase cancer risk”
The Independent (U.K.), March 26, 2008

2 thoughts on “Cancer in the Air, and in Your Hair

  1. With the ever growing use of chemicals in this so called “eco-friendly” century, I am not in the least surprised about these cancerous findings. Though it does un-nerve me to think that these findings will get pushed to the back cabinet for the time being. Going green has more benefits than most will ever know.

  2. We are throwing ourselves into a cycle of death. The more we progress as a society the more we endanger ourselves, but in return the more we are endangered the more inspired we are to progress. Thank you for raising awareness.