Questions About HPV Vaccine Risks

A new vaccine to eliminate the Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) — which is linked to some cervical cancers — will soon be on the market, but concerns over its side effects are emerging.

An opinion piece on the Medical News Today Web site claims that many health professionals say the vaccine is being pushed too quickly onto teenage women without full understanding of its side effects.

The U.S. government now mandates the vaccine for all female immigrants ages 11-16 that are applying for a green card.

According to the Houston Chronicle, this will affect around 130,00 immigrants annually.

The government has received more than 9,000 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccine, known as Gardasil or Cervarix, including spontaneous abortions and 20 deaths.

Some health providers question the underlying motivation behind the rush to vaccinate young women when, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, condoms are more effective in preventing the spread of HPV.

The Medical News Today article cites several cases of vaccines that contain hidden sterilizing agents, and points out that Gardasil has Polysorbate-80, “which has been linked to infertility in mice.”

–Julia Hengst/


“Cervical Cancer Vaccine: ‘Dangers Mean More Research Is Needed'”
Medical News Today, October 25, 2008

“U.S.: Female immigrants must get cancer vaccine”
The Houston Chronicle, October 22, 2008

2 thoughts on “Questions About HPV Vaccine Risks

  1. Hate to say this but we are talking billions of women and men have this herpes virus. It has become like the common cold. The vaccine introduced I think is guniea pig response to the illusion that it will stop it. North America seems hell bent on a vaccine for anything these days. It’s a little scary. Then again its not like polio where millions are dying from it (yet)

  2. One thing women and teens should do that you did not mention is talk with a doctor about this. Almost 50% of American women will get HPV. For some this can lead to cervical cancer, while for others is can cause painful and frequent warts and sores.

    Being tested is risk free. As it practicing safer sex. Although the rate of prevention for comdoms is not what it is with other sexually transmitted diseases.

    We wrote a post about this recently that you can find at

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