Pakistan abortion hotline sparks controversy
The June launch of a Pakistani birth-control hotline has garnered a mixed bag of praise, skepticism, and condemnation from medical and religious leaders in the country.
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A legacy of toxic pollution lingers in San Francisco’s Hunters Point Shipyard, which was once a booming hub for wartime construction efforts, but now is largely shuttered and represents a constant threat to the health of marginalized communities that live nearby. The U.S. Navy and diverse community groups are at odds over the best way to address the problem.
The June launch of a Pakistani birth-control hotline has garnered a mixed bag of praise, skepticism, and condemnation from medical and religious leaders in the country.
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Would you like to bring the award-winning “Toxic Tour” reporting project to Los Angeles? and Spot.Us welcome proposals from journalists interested in developing new coverage of pollution and environmental health in Los Angeles communities. Proposals are due Nov. 12 for short-term projects using text and multimedia to document pollution and communities in greater Los Angeles. Topics include neighborhoods, economics, industry, land use, transportation, politics, activism, environment and health.
An additional $10 billion will be required to provide universal access to powerful pharmaceuticals, prevention efforts and early diagnosis methods to stem the transmission of HIV from mothers to their newborns.
Animals seized from Brazilian jungles by wildlife traffickers, then confiscated by well-meaning officials and animal rights activists, frequently face even more problems than they had before, says a biologist from the University of São Paulo.
Scientists this week revealed startling new images of the Gamburtsev Mountain Range of Antarctica, a huge and mysterious “ghost range” buried beneath more than a mile of ice.