Green Hopes Pale as Energy Appetites Grow
As humanity’s energy needs only grow, world powers are plumbing the depths of the Arctic Ocean for fossil fuels and making plans to give countless acres of land over to “green” power production — even as the citizens of energy-rich developing nations rely on firewood and struggle with the labor abuses of emerging biofuel markets. Russia sent a submarine carrying two legislators 14,000 feet below the Arctic ice to plant a flag on an underwater ridge they say connects the mainland to vast fossil fuel reserves there. The move, which according to the BBC anticipates greater future access to the Arctic seascape thanks to global warming and melting ice, is opposed by the United States and others. Concern for climate change caused by fossil fuels is driving a boom in renewable and “green” energy projects around the world. This includes wind farms and biomass, which are touted as free of carbon emissions blamed for rising temperatures.