Tracking: Iran Election Blogs & Realtime Web Feeds

Updated: 6/22 is collecting links to realtime citizen and mainstream news feeds and blogs following the turmoil in Iran. Post updated information sources in the comments section below.

Not all citizen-media postings are clearly sourced, and include propaganda as well as first-person witnessing. Use your judgment when interpreting the text, video and images.

Twitter hashtag: #IranElection
140-character bulletins and links sent by members of the public. This is an active, live feed with numerous updates each second.

Twitter hashtag: #Neda
A graphic video said to document a young Iranian woman’s shooting death at a protest has sparked an another active Twitter feed. Iran Video Tracking
A video blog dedicated to “watching video change our world” is heavy on relevant citizen video coming out of Iran. Their home page has plenty of current material; for archival videos, try a keyword search for “Iran.”

Flickr Photostream: .faramarz
This is a continually updated collection of stark images of the protests and violence in Tehran. Note: The author’s profile indicates he’s not in Iran; what are the image sources? You can also check out his Twitter feed.

Demotix Iran Coverage
The Iran home page for the citizen media Web site Demotix.
Numerous videos posted daily; the Livestream interface is a bit dense.

YouTube Keyword Search: “Iran Protests”
Plenty of mainstream and citizen videos posted. Additional keyword searches: “Iran Election,” “Iran Riot,” “Iran Riots.”

U.S. News-Media Tracking Blogs
The New York Times’ The Lede News Blog is interweaving formal coverage by their writers with diverse citizen-media postings; The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan and Nico Pitney of the Huffington Post are aggregating mainstream and citizen media from diverse sources — video, text, photos.

Activist News Blogs
Al Giordano’s “The Field” news blog and a site called “The Vigilante Journalist” both are aggregating video and text news.

Context/Backstory: News You Might Have Missed’s Iran Archive
NYMHM’s coverage of Iran tracks issues of civil rights and economy over time. Dig into the archive for specifics about inflation, labor movements, and more.

Google News Summary Page

3 thoughts on “Tracking: Iran Election Blogs & Realtime Web Feeds

  1. Tracking: Iran Election Blogs & Realtime Web Feeds

    As a service to our readers, is collecting links to realtime news feeds and blogs following the post-election turmoil…