Bullies aren’t just kids in the playground anymore – they are also adults in the workplace, according to a recent survey.
Engineer paints it blacker than black
This Purdue University electrical and computer engineering professor is undoubtedly running in the black, due to his creation of a blacker-than-black metamaterial that absorbs virtually all light.
Official: ‘We have failed the wild tiger’
The head of an international wildlife organization says it has “failed miserably” to halt the precipitous population decline of tigers in the wild. “How have we let this happen?”
In California’s high desert, a solar gamble
The California Owens Valley, the scene of decades of intense environmental hostilities and the subject of the famous Roman Polanski film “Chinatown,” once more finds itself at center stage. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, which turned Owens Lake into a dry wasteland and created one of the most prodigious polluters in America, wants to turn its lake bed into one of largest sources of solar power in America.
Scientist studies sound sleepers, spindles
A study conducted by Harvard neurologist Jeffrey Ellenbogen examines the makings of a sound sleeper.
New tech turns ordinary windows into solar cells
New thin-film technology could also be applied to other surfaces, turning buildings into power generators.
Turks turn tires into ‘stardust’
If successful, the process could prove instrumental in the vexing environmental challenge of dealing with landfill-hogging tires. In Europe alone, 325,000 tons of tires are buried in landfills each year.
Researchers on track to prevent train wrecks
A team of European and Israeli scientists is devising an electromagnetic sensing system that could serve as an early-warning mechanism for natural disasters that currently cause trains to derail.
A damming effect on giant catfish
The Giant Southeast Asian catfish is in danger of extinction, a recent report concluded.
Amazon forest destruction falls dramatically
But there’s debate over whether the decline is due to new enforcement technologies or basic economics.
The world of food … on a chart
Graphic artists at ShiftN.com. have attempted to visualize the human food system, creating a chart—or map—of the myriad factors that make up the whole process.